Tuesday, 30 June 2020

The Pest Predator

Challenge over at Pencil Jack - Turn Horror Icon into Super Hero. Well, I turned him into a local trade hero, never mind.

Thursday, 25 June 2020

Youngbloods - Pummel Entry

My take on Youngbloods. Working on inking and storytelling. Enjoyed working on it.

Monday, 15 June 2020

Dystopian Society

Another entry for Everbrawl (93). Had a lot of ideas with this one, but struggled a bit to pull it off. I Definitely need to spend more time on the under drawing, and learn how to control water media better. Happy I got it done though :).

Friday, 5 June 2020

Week 7 & 8

Most of the last fortnight was spent on the Scout/Sentry illustration, and prepping/composing the image. I've included some of it here, for anyone who is interested. I've always let myself down in the by not investing any great amount of time preparing an image. I would usually just jump in and go for it, and the results would seem bland and shallow.
I've been trying to learn how to do so by learning from James Gurney and Syd Mead, because those guys seem to know what they're talking about. I'm also on a bit of a mission to do things traditionally, as they would. A lot of tracing and re-drawing was done on the Scout piece, but that was probably more to do with me stumbling through the process than anything else. Also trying to keep up my watercolour painting. I haven't got any Gouache on me at present, but I really want to play around with that some more.